Friday, June 18, 2010

A Visit by an Angel

No, I haven't gone completely loopy. My laptop failed yesterday leaving me in utter despair. I live by the Ethernet!

Old friends loaned me a laptop until mine could be repaired. I can breathe again!

There are early signs of graft activity, and I feel a whole lot better than I did earlier this week, although I am thoroughly weak and keep forgetting to eat (that's possible on the cardboard diet they are feeding me).


  1. Miracles never cease! :) Lynne

  2. You are remarkable, Lon. Keep up the good work. I'm certain that the angels are watching over you. I continue to keep you in my prayers. Roslyn.

  3. Angels present themselves in a variety of ways... happy to hear there IS a Laptop Angel in your midst! Continuing to intend all good is coming your way...

  4. Great news! Hopefully things will continue to improve as the days pass and that you won't develop all of the nasty side effects from the engraftment. It still amazes me how this whole process works - the cells know where to go and what to start doing.

    Gooooo CELLS!!!

  5. Lon.. I am soooooooooo cheering you on in this
    journey.. thank goodness you are able to stay connected.. here's hoping each day brings you a bit closer to full energy. all the best


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